Discover Your Fan Power!

Enter the total number of followers you have across all social media platforms.

Enter your total monthly listeners from streaming platforms.

Potential Sales On EVEN


If only 1% of your social media followers and a small fraction of your monthly listeners bought your art

Potential Revenue On EVEN


Estimated revenue if each fan purchases an album for $20 (average album sale on EVEN).

Streaming Equivalent


The number of streams needed to match your EVEN revenue.

Fans Needed on Streaming Platforms


The number of fans you would need on streaming platforms to achieve the revenue equivalent of sales on EVEN.


Enter the total advance the artist recevied for their new release.

Enter the distributor's percentage.

Sales Needed to Recoup on EVEN


The number of sales needed to recoup the advance based on Access revenue only.

Total Streams Needed to Recoup


The total number of streams needed to recoup the advance.

Artist Access Revenue


The amount the artist will be paid directly for Access revenue on EVEN.

Music Revenue


The amount of revenue considered Music Revenue paid directly to the label.

Post-Recoupment Artist Share:


Revenue the artist takes home if they recoup during their EVEN release.

Post-Recoupment Distributor Share


Revenue the Distributor/Label takes home if the release recoups during the EVEN release.

Discover Your Fan Power!

Enter the total number of followers you have across all social media platforms.

Enter your total monthly listeners from streaming platforms.

Potential Sales On EVEN


If only 1% of your social media followers and a small fraction of your monthly listeners bought your art

Potential Revenue On EVEN


Estimated revenue if each fan purchases an album for $20 (average album sale on EVEN).

Streaming Equivalent


The number of streams needed to match your EVEN revenue.

Fans Needed on Streaming Platforms


The number of fans you would need on streaming platforms to achieve the revenue equivalent of sales on EVEN.


Enter the total advance the artist recevied for their new release.

Enter the distributor's percentage.

Sales Needed to Recoup on EVEN


The number of sales needed to recoup the advance based on Access revenue only.

Total Streams Needed to Recoup


The total number of streams needed to recoup the advance.

Artist Access Revenue


The amount the artist will be paid directly for Access revenue on EVEN.

Music Revenue


The amount of revenue considered Music Revenue paid directly to the label.

Post-Recoupment Artist Share:


Revenue the artist takes home if they recoup during their EVEN release.

Post-Recoupment Distributor Share


Revenue the Distributor/Label takes home if the release recoups during the EVEN release.

COPYRIGHT © 2024 EVEN Labs Inc.
