How To Create And Edit An Access Point
Access points enhance your release by rewarding fans who buy early.

Log into your backstage account to create an access point. Go to Backstage.Even.Biz and click Get Started.
Creating Content Access Points:

Select the Content Type: Once you are in the content creation module, select the subtype of content you want to create: Video, Images, Audio, or PDF.
Enter a Title for Your Access Point: The Access Point title will be displayed within your release's access section. It's important to choose a catchy and descriptive title that clearly explains the content of the Access Point.
Enter a Description for Your Access Point: This extended description will only be visible to fans who have acquired the Access Point. Use this space to provide details of the content you are offering and any other relevant information.
Upload Your Content: Drag and drop the files you want to upload, or click to browse on your computer files.
Content Specifications:
Videos: Only MP4 files allowed. Maximum file size 2GB. Maximum number of videos is 1.
Images: Only PNG, JPG or GIF files allowed. Maximum file size per image 1GB. (Currently you are able to upload up to 50 images.)
PDFs: Only PDF Files allowed. Maximum file size per file is 20MB. ◦ Audio: Only MP3, WAV or M4A files are allowed. Maximum file size per file 50MB.
Fill in the Preview Card Information: The preview card is what fans see on the release's access section. In the content builder go to the right sidebar, and link your access point to the release it belongs to. Upload a thumbnail for your preview card and a brief description indicating what users will have access to when they acquire the access point.
Continue to Access Details: Once you have uploaded the content and filled in the preview card information, click the "Access Details" button to continue.
Complete and Review Access Details: A new screen will display a summary of your Access content, including its title and description for you to review.
Set a Start or End Date (Optional): You can set up a timeframe to let fans know when the content on the Access Point will be available to view and when it will close.
Set Up your Access Point Minimum Price: On the right sidebar, you can set up the minimum price your fans have to pay for your access point to be included with their purchase. If you have existing access points, you will see a list of the different tiers you have set up.
Submit Access Point: After completing and reviewing all the details of your Access Point, click on the "Submit" button to conclude the creation process. Once your release is approved and is available for purchase, your fans will be able to consume the content or see the details of the offering.
Select the Content Type: Once you are in the content creation module, select the subtype of content you want to create: Video, Images, Audio, or PDF.
Enter a Title for Your Access Point: The Access Point title will be displayed within your release's access section. It's important to choose a catchy and descriptive title that clearly explains the content of the Access Point.
Enter a Description for Your Access Point: This extended description will only be visible to fans who have acquired the Access Point. Use this space to provide details of the content you are offering and any other relevant information.
Upload Your Content: Drag and drop the files you want to upload, or click to browse on your computer files.
Creating Event Access Points
Select the Content Type: Once you are in the content creation module, select the subtype of event you want to create: Online Event or In-Person Event.
Enter a Title for Your Access Point: The Access Point title will be displayed within your release's access section. It's important to choose a catchy and descriptive title that clearly explains the content of the Access Point.
Enter a Description for Your Access Point: This extended description will only be visible to fans who have acquired the Access Point. Use this space to provide details of the content you are offering and any other relevant information.
Set Event Date and Time: Select the start date and time, as well as the end date and time of the event. If you haven't defined these yet, you can select the "Set as coming soon" option and edit your Access Point later to set the event date.
For Virtual Events:
Enter the access link to the streaming platform of your choice. Make sure to test the link before including it. If you don't have the access link yet, you can set it as "coming soon." ◦ For In-person Events: Enter the address details of the event location.
Select the Content Type: Once you are in the content creation module, select the subtype of event you want to create: Online Event or In-Person Event.
Enter a Title for Your Access Point: The Access Point title will be displayed within your release's access section. It's important to choose a catchy and descriptive title that clearly explains the content of the Access Point.
Enter a Description for Your Access Point: This extended description will only be visible to fans who have acquired the Access Point. Use this space to provide details of the content you are offering and any other relevant information.
Set Event Date and Time: Select the start date and time, as well as the end date and time of the event. If you haven't defined these yet, you can select the "Set as coming soon" option and edit your Access Point later to set the event date.
For Virtual Events: Enter the access link to the video platform you choose. Make sure to test the link before including it. If you don't have the access link yet, you can set it as "coming soon."
For In-person Events: Enter the address details of the event location.
For Virtual Events: Enter the access link to the video platform you choose. Make sure to test the link before including it. If you don't have the access link yet, you can set it as "coming soon."
For In-person Events: Enter the address details of the event location.

Fill in the Preview Card Information:
Connect to Release: Link your Access Point to the corresponding release using the dropdown menu.
Upload Cover Image: This image will be displayed to fans before they purchase your release. Ideally, it should be a clear shot of the product.
Enter Preview Description: Provide a concise description of what fans will receive when they buy this Access Point with your release.
Continue to Access Details: Once you have filled in all the content information, click the "Access Details" button to continue.
3. Set up your Merchandise Access Point Minimum Price: Enter the minimum price for your Access Point in the Minimum Price box. Ensure it's equal to or higher than your release's minimum price. Fans paying this amount will gain access to all Access Points with lower minimum prices.

Submit Access Point: After completing and reviewing all the details of your Access Point, click on the "Submit" button to conclude the creation process. Once your release is approved and is available for purchase, your fans will be able to consume the content or see the details of the offering.
Creating Merchandise Access Points
1. Select the Merchandise Access Option
In your Backstage dashboard, navigate to the Access tab and click on the “New Access Point” button.
From the available options, select Merch Access.

2. Fill out your Access Point information
Enter Title: This title will be visible within your release page. Choose a catchy name that accurately reflects the merchandise content.
Enter Merchandise Description: This detailed description will be shown to fans who have purchased the Access Point. Clearly explain the merchandise offered and include any relevant information.
Upload Product Images: Upload high-quality images showcasing the product, including different color options and any designs.
Connect to Release: Link your Access Point to the corresponding release using the dropdown menu.
Upload Cover Image: This image will be displayed to fans before they purchase your release. Ideally, it should be a clear shot of the product.
Enter Preview Description: Provide a concise description of what fans will receive when they buy this Access Point with your release.

3. Set Customization Options (Optional)
Enable Merchandise Customization: If applicable, enable customization to allow fans to choose size and color options. Use the dropdown menus to add available choices.
Save and Continue: Once you've set up the options, click save to proceed.

4. Set up your Merchandise Access Point Minimum Price
Enter the minimum price for your Access Point in the Minimum Price box. Ensure it's equal to or higher than your release's minimum price. Fans paying this amount will gain access to all Access Points with lower minimum prices.

5. Submit Access Point:
After completing and reviewing all the details of your Access Point, click on the "Submit" button to conclude the creation process. Once your release is approved and is available for purchase, your fans will be able to consume the content or see the details of the offering.
6. View Your Merchandise Orders
Once your release is live and fans start purchasing your Merchandise Access Point, you can view, export, and manage orders.
Go to your Access Points table and click on your Merchandise Access.
You'll see a table view of orders from fans who have purchased and provided shipping details and any customization choices.
Note: Orders from fans who haven't yet provided their information won't be visible here. In the meantime, to identify these fans, you can export your fan purchases list from the Analytics tab and compare it to the Merch Orders table view.

7. Manage Merchandise Orders
You can update order statuses and add tracking numbers. Any changes will be reflected in your fans' accounts.
To change an order's status, click on the specific order in the Merch Orders table view, or select multiple orders to change statuses in bulk.
To add tracking information, click on the “Add Tracking” button and enter the tracking number and link (if applicable).

Log into your backstage account to create an access point. Go to Backstage.Even.Biz and click Get Started.
Creating Content Access Points:

Select the Content Type: Once you are in the content creation module, select the subtype of content you want to create: Video, Images, Audio, or PDF.
Enter a Title for Your Access Point: The Access Point title will be displayed within your release's access section. It's important to choose a catchy and descriptive title that clearly explains the content of the Access Point.
Enter a Description for Your Access Point: This extended description will only be visible to fans who have acquired the Access Point. Use this space to provide details of the content you are offering and any other relevant information.
Upload Your Content: Drag and drop the files you want to upload, or click to browse on your computer files.
Content Specifications:
Videos: Only MP4 files allowed. Maximum file size 2GB. Maximum number of videos is 1.
Images: Only PNG, JPG or GIF files allowed. Maximum file size per image 1GB. (Currently you are able to upload up to 50 images.)
PDFs: Only PDF Files allowed. Maximum file size per file is 20MB. ◦ Audio: Only MP3, WAV or M4A files are allowed. Maximum file size per file 50MB.
Fill in the Preview Card Information: The preview card is what fans see on the release's access section. In the content builder go to the right sidebar, and link your access point to the release it belongs to. Upload a thumbnail for your preview card and a brief description indicating what users will have access to when they acquire the access point.
Continue to Access Details: Once you have uploaded the content and filled in the preview card information, click the "Access Details" button to continue.
Complete and Review Access Details: A new screen will display a summary of your Access content, including its title and description for you to review.
Set a Start or End Date (Optional): You can set up a timeframe to let fans know when the content on the Access Point will be available to view and when it will close.
Set Up your Access Point Minimum Price: On the right sidebar, you can set up the minimum price your fans have to pay for your access point to be included with their purchase. If you have existing access points, you will see a list of the different tiers you have set up.
Submit Access Point: After completing and reviewing all the details of your Access Point, click on the "Submit" button to conclude the creation process. Once your release is approved and is available for purchase, your fans will be able to consume the content or see the details of the offering.
Select the Content Type: Once you are in the content creation module, select the subtype of content you want to create: Video, Images, Audio, or PDF.
Enter a Title for Your Access Point: The Access Point title will be displayed within your release's access section. It's important to choose a catchy and descriptive title that clearly explains the content of the Access Point.
Enter a Description for Your Access Point: This extended description will only be visible to fans who have acquired the Access Point. Use this space to provide details of the content you are offering and any other relevant information.
Upload Your Content: Drag and drop the files you want to upload, or click to browse on your computer files.
Creating Event Access Points
Select the Content Type: Once you are in the content creation module, select the subtype of event you want to create: Online Event or In-Person Event.
Enter a Title for Your Access Point: The Access Point title will be displayed within your release's access section. It's important to choose a catchy and descriptive title that clearly explains the content of the Access Point.
Enter a Description for Your Access Point: This extended description will only be visible to fans who have acquired the Access Point. Use this space to provide details of the content you are offering and any other relevant information.
Set Event Date and Time: Select the start date and time, as well as the end date and time of the event. If you haven't defined these yet, you can select the "Set as coming soon" option and edit your Access Point later to set the event date.
For Virtual Events:
Enter the access link to the streaming platform of your choice. Make sure to test the link before including it. If you don't have the access link yet, you can set it as "coming soon." ◦ For In-person Events: Enter the address details of the event location.
Select the Content Type: Once you are in the content creation module, select the subtype of event you want to create: Online Event or In-Person Event.
Enter a Title for Your Access Point: The Access Point title will be displayed within your release's access section. It's important to choose a catchy and descriptive title that clearly explains the content of the Access Point.
Enter a Description for Your Access Point: This extended description will only be visible to fans who have acquired the Access Point. Use this space to provide details of the content you are offering and any other relevant information.
Set Event Date and Time: Select the start date and time, as well as the end date and time of the event. If you haven't defined these yet, you can select the "Set as coming soon" option and edit your Access Point later to set the event date.
For Virtual Events: Enter the access link to the video platform you choose. Make sure to test the link before including it. If you don't have the access link yet, you can set it as "coming soon."
For In-person Events: Enter the address details of the event location.
For Virtual Events: Enter the access link to the video platform you choose. Make sure to test the link before including it. If you don't have the access link yet, you can set it as "coming soon."
For In-person Events: Enter the address details of the event location.

Fill in the Preview Card Information:
Connect to Release: Link your Access Point to the corresponding release using the dropdown menu.
Upload Cover Image: This image will be displayed to fans before they purchase your release. Ideally, it should be a clear shot of the product.
Enter Preview Description: Provide a concise description of what fans will receive when they buy this Access Point with your release.
Continue to Access Details: Once you have filled in all the content information, click the "Access Details" button to continue.
3. Set up your Merchandise Access Point Minimum Price: Enter the minimum price for your Access Point in the Minimum Price box. Ensure it's equal to or higher than your release's minimum price. Fans paying this amount will gain access to all Access Points with lower minimum prices.

Submit Access Point: After completing and reviewing all the details of your Access Point, click on the "Submit" button to conclude the creation process. Once your release is approved and is available for purchase, your fans will be able to consume the content or see the details of the offering.
Creating Merchandise Access Points
1. Select the Merchandise Access Option
In your Backstage dashboard, navigate to the Access tab and click on the “New Access Point” button.
From the available options, select Merch Access.

2. Fill out your Access Point information
Enter Title: This title will be visible within your release page. Choose a catchy name that accurately reflects the merchandise content.
Enter Merchandise Description: This detailed description will be shown to fans who have purchased the Access Point. Clearly explain the merchandise offered and include any relevant information.
Upload Product Images: Upload high-quality images showcasing the product, including different color options and any designs.
Connect to Release: Link your Access Point to the corresponding release using the dropdown menu.
Upload Cover Image: This image will be displayed to fans before they purchase your release. Ideally, it should be a clear shot of the product.
Enter Preview Description: Provide a concise description of what fans will receive when they buy this Access Point with your release.

3. Set Customization Options (Optional)
Enable Merchandise Customization: If applicable, enable customization to allow fans to choose size and color options. Use the dropdown menus to add available choices.
Save and Continue: Once you've set up the options, click save to proceed.

4. Set up your Merchandise Access Point Minimum Price
Enter the minimum price for your Access Point in the Minimum Price box. Ensure it's equal to or higher than your release's minimum price. Fans paying this amount will gain access to all Access Points with lower minimum prices.

5. Submit Access Point:
After completing and reviewing all the details of your Access Point, click on the "Submit" button to conclude the creation process. Once your release is approved and is available for purchase, your fans will be able to consume the content or see the details of the offering.
6. View Your Merchandise Orders
Once your release is live and fans start purchasing your Merchandise Access Point, you can view, export, and manage orders.
Go to your Access Points table and click on your Merchandise Access.
You'll see a table view of orders from fans who have purchased and provided shipping details and any customization choices.
Note: Orders from fans who haven't yet provided their information won't be visible here. In the meantime, to identify these fans, you can export your fan purchases list from the Analytics tab and compare it to the Merch Orders table view.

7. Manage Merchandise Orders
You can update order statuses and add tracking numbers. Any changes will be reflected in your fans' accounts.
To change an order's status, click on the specific order in the Merch Orders table view, or select multiple orders to change statuses in bulk.
To add tracking information, click on the “Add Tracking” button and enter the tracking number and link (if applicable).

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COPYRIGHT © 2024 EVEN Labs Inc.
COPYRIGHT © 2024 EVEN Labs Inc.
COPYRIGHT © 2024 EVEN Labs Inc.
COPYRIGHT © 2024 EVEN Labs Inc.